Reza Khanbilvardi
Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Water Resources
Dr. Reza Khanbilvardi, a Licensed Professional Engineer, is the Executive Director of CUNY Remote Sensing of the Earth Institute at The City University of New York, and Director of Center for Water Resources and Environmental Research. He is also Editor-In-Chief of International Journal for Water (InderScience Publications). Dr. Khanbilvardi has worked extensively with agencies like NOAA, NASA, NSF, USAID, UN, USDA, and CRDF. Dr. Khanbilvardi obtained his Masters (Environmental Engineering) Doctoral (CE/Water Resourced Engineering) degrees and Post Doctoral (Water Resources) award from Pennsylvania State University in 1980, 1983 and 1984 respectively.
His research interest include Satellite-based Remote Sensing Applications in Hydro-climate, Hydrology and Land Processes, Surface Water Hydraulics and Hydrology, Flash-Flood Monitoring and Mapping, Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources; Snow-Water Equivalent Studies. Dr. Khanbilvardi has served as a principal, and co-investigator on many research grants totaling more than $100 Millions sponsored by various agencies like NOAA, NASA, NSF, USAID, US Department of Education, NYC Department of Environmental Protection, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and others.
Dr. Khanbilvardi attended many conferences and workshops, and has more than 200 national and international level publications to his credit and also published 5 books as an Editor. Dr. Khanbilvardi is also a member of various professional organizations and societies like ASCE, AGU, and International Water Research; Association; Water Research; American Water Resources Association and National Ground Water Association and others. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in states of New York and Connecticut.
- khanbilvardi@ccny.cuny.edu
- 212-650-8099
- City College of New York
- https://khanbilvardi.net